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VRA Announces Vacation Rental Angels Program

(News Item #0193, Published: 12/25/09, Author: , VRIA.org)

On Christmas Day, the Vacation Rental Industry Association (VRIA) announced the creation of a program to recognize its members who regularly donate vacation home use to charitable causes.

"The number of property owners who donate use of their comfortable second homes to charitable causes is huge and usually unpublicized," says William May, VRIA Director. "These are people who don't go out of their way to get thanked for their generosity, but its high time their good deeds get recognized."

A new website (VacationRentalAngels.com) has been created so members can indicate their willingness to donate and charitable causes can request vacation home use for their clients and staffs. charities can also resell or auction the dates and use the proceeds for good causes.

The site also offers a list of past donations and an Honor Roll where donating members can display their properties. Industry suppliers, such as Internet publishers can become Arch Angels by allowing property owners to include the angel icon next to listings on their ads on listing websites.

Lynnette Gulsvig, business manager for VRIA and official "heavenly" coordinator says, "The Angel Rules are simple. Landlord and charity arrange all the details to make a little bit of heaven on earth."

The (VacationRentalAngels.com) website is operated through VRIA's Vacation Rental Multiple Listing Service (VRMLS.org) That makes it easy for members to enroll in the program. And easy for charities to review properties and make requests directly to the property owners.

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VRIA is a not-for-profit organization of vacation rental managers, owners and suppliers. It provides news, information, education, inspections and certification for homes and owners For more information on the Angel program please see (VacationRentalAngels.com),( VRIA.org) or call VRIA at 866-925-7083.
